Your Homely Neighborhood Kitchen

  • Deli is like your own home kitchen that gives you timely fresh food & variety in each meal with use of organic ingredients. We run multiple monthly menus suiting your tastes & health which you can select & change as per your mood & need. We only cook fresh food & to ensure zero wastage, only pre-decided meals are cooked. 
  • The meals are packed & sent in specially designed insulated bags & casseroles ensuring no paper or plastic is used with the food and it stays warm & fresh for longer hours. It also gives a family home-food feel. 
  • Deli is the answer to these demanding food requirements of modern families & individuals. We are small neighborhood kitchens set up by the Life Gracious through our own trained staff or in partnership with our carefully selected Chef Partners. 
  • Deli cooks homely food under watchful supervision of our Home Cooked Food experts for our ‘subscription only’ clients, sending them their meals at their homes & offices. 
  • Today’s life, specially in Metro cities, is different from what it was in our parents’ times. Our work is more demanding, time spent on commute is much higher, we travel more, need more money, have working spouses and most of us were not kitchen trained. Our choice of food is also advanced with exposure to global cuisines & awareness towards Organic Food

Homemade Food Delivery Services

Cooking at home is a challenging job these days because of the work nature of most people. Many people leave their houses early in the morning and come back late. You need time to catch up with your spouse or children and rest. So why not get some homely meals in Delhi? Homemade food delivery services will save you the hectic cooking at home.

Why these services?

You Get Professionally Cooked Meals

Homemade food delivery in Gurgaon and Delhi is done by professional chefs and nutritionists. That said, you are sure the food you will eat will be healthy and tasty. This is unlike when you prepare food by yourself. With your busy schedule, you don’t have time to buy fresh, nutritious cooking ingredients hence can’t prepare healthy and tasty meals.

You Eat Fresh Food

Who doesn’t know how sweet and nutritious fresh food is? You eat food that has overstayed in the freezer or fridge because you have no time to cook fresh food or don’t like cooking. Despite all this, you have the right to eat healthily. Homemade food service near me will be your ultimate solution.

Homely Food Delivery is Timely

With home-cooked food delivery, all you need is to place your order and say when you want your food delivered. And you will get your food delivered in the comfort of your couch. Home delivery services give you time to relax or watch your favorite movie before you break into bed. You will also get time to bond with your family.

Food for Everyone

Whether you are the type that can eat everything on the planet, you are the picky type, or you have health problems restricting you from eating a specific food, home food delivery will sort you. You should let your food delivery service provider know what you want to eat, and they will offer it.

Does Deli offer fresh food?

Yes, they start preparing their meals when a customer make the order.

What types of food do Deli offer?

All kinds of meals.

How can I reach Deli?

By writing a message or making a call.

When do Deli deliver food?

Any time you order.

How much will food delivery services cost me?

There are different offers for every food so check the website for the food you want.

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